Immediately below the shoulder is the next cut you’re likely to find: The Picnic Ham (occasionally called the picnic shoulder). When you hear “ham” you think of the rear leg. But the picnic ham is the lower part of shoulder. This is another relatively tough and fatty cut, though it is often sold bone-in.
Nulla ut urna egestas, porta libero id, suscipit orci. Quisque in lectus sit amet urna dignissim feugiat. Mauris molestie egestas pharetra. Ut finibus cursus nunc sed mollis. Praesent laoreet lacinia ...
Nulla ut urna egestas, porta libero id, suscipit orci. Quisque in lectus sit amet urna dignissim feugiat. Mauris molestie egestas pharetra. Ut finibus cursus nunc sed mollis. Praesent laoreet lacinia ...
Nulla ut urna egestas, porta libero id, suscipit orci. Quisque in lectus sit amet urna dignissim feugiat. Mauris molestie egestas pharetra. Ut finibus cursus nunc sed mollis. Praesent laoreet lacinia ...